Virtual Assistant Services - FAQ

Most frequent questions and answers

Where are the Virtual Assistant Services located?

Virtual Assistant means the assistant is virtual, or able to assist you remotely via electronic or remote means, such as the computer.  The main consideration is which country the Virtual Assistant is actually located in.  Holliday Biz Services is located in the west coast of the United States.  Many other Virtual Assistant services are located overseas.  

What types of Virtual Assistant Services are there?

There are several types of Virtual Assistants, based on the type of tasks or industry the Virtual Assistant is handling.  For example, a Real Estate Virtual Assistant specializes in tasks that support that industry.

Advantages of using Virtual Assistant Services?

A Virtual Assistant frees up your time to do more significant tasks.  For example, if you are teaching a class via zoom, the Virtual Assistant can monitor and assist students in various zoom rooms providing more one-on-one support.

Are there exceptions for Using Virtual Assistant Services non-virtually?

The services provided by the Virtual Assistant are also available in person dependent on unique circumstances and agreement or contract negotiated with requestor.

If you have any specific questions that are not answered in FAQ’s, feel free to contact us our contact us form, or email us directly at  We will get back to you within 24 hours by email or phone. Please keep in mind during times of unusual activity, such as COVID outbreaks or holidays, our response may be delayed.

 If you are ready to go with our services, just select the type of Virtual Assistant service you need, and the price package that fits your budget.  We will get in touch with you within 24 house of your sign up.  We look forward to working with you and provide you excellent customer service.  Please keep in mind during times of unusual activity, such as COVID outbreaks or holidays, our response may be delayed.